Cale's Newsletter

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Birthday Party!

We went to Kidz Paradise for Andres birthday (one of Cale's best friends).

The kidz had heapz of fun running a riot on the play equipment set ups.

Cale and Andres hadn't seen eachother in a few months so they were pretty happy to catch up and moaned and groaned when they had to leave. They're both getting so tall - I wonder how tall they're gonna be? At least 6 ft I think.

Saturday, May 26, 2007


After footy Cale and Garry came back home with me and played footy before he spent the weekend at Garry's house.

Cale is pretty good and pool and actually beats some of Lance's friends - ok, I admit it - he beats me as well :)

He likes playing for money too - he's already a little entrepreneur! I remember one day he came home from school and had sold some of his artwork to another child and was proud of himself that he got $5. I'm trying to teach him that money isn't everything :)

Auskick Season

Yes a new season has started up again! So we're out in the cold wet winter watching Cale's footy.

Cale's such a good athlete and was again chosen to play during quarter and half time during the professional footy games (they choose the best kids to play etc.).

Anyway he loves footy and plays as number 12 (it's what his Dad used to play as). He doesn't like standing around playing defense and tends to run off to where the action is :)

He is very courteous and always obeys the rules - he doesn't end up in pile ups (where the ball gets given to the other team) and just grabs the other player's shirt and holds it (this is what they're taught to do if someone is holding the ball too long?) I'm not so good at the rules - Cale knows them better than I do.

During training Cale was the only one who could kick the ball and hit the target - out of all the children he was the only one who could kick true! The coach was impressed as was I!

At this age the coach always says it was a draw and no team ever wins (however, we kept track and Cale's team got the most goals :)